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Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches

Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches, the Swiss Competition regulator, has in a shocking turn of events, recalled the decision it made to allow Swatch Group, to reduce supplies of movement parts to watchmakers who are not members of the consortium. The movement parts, also called assortments, include components like the balance wheel escape wheel and balancespring. The decision was based on the belief that the reduction of parts would be "premature", due to the dependence of other watchmakers on the parts produced by the Swatch Group. Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches, on the other hand has confirmed once more the previously agreed dynamic of reducing the supply of complete movements to third parties.(Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches)

A deal that's shaken up the industryThe Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches decision is the latest in a series of events that have shaken up the Swiss watchmaking industry. Swatch Group owns ETA, which has been the leader in movement production for decades. Its calibers are used by a wide range of watchmaking brands regardless of size. The situation changed two years ago, when the Swatch Group leadership decided to implement measures that will eventually put an end to the practice to supply brands outside of the group both with movements and movement component. This decision was met with a great deal of controversy, as many watchmakers believed they were being forced to leave the industry. The Swatch Group sent an official request for the Swiss Competition Regulatory Agency Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches (short form of The Competition Commission) assess the situation. A deal was reached by the end of the calendar year that allowed the group's supply of movement components and movements to be reduced gradually. Swatch Group was initially allowed to stop supplying movements and movement components to them by 2021. The consortium was able to cut its movement sales by 85 percent compared to 2010. This reduction will become even more apparent by the end next year, when the consortium is expected to reduce its sales of movements to 85 percent compared to the number of movements sold in 2010.(Rolex Yacht-Master Replica Watches)

Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches's ruling on movement component cuts is still premature. This was due to the fact that the industry continues to rely on parts made by companies in the Swatch Group. Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches's subsidiary Nivarox FAR produces 90 percent of the hairsprings currently on the market. Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches issued an official statement on July 12, in three official Swiss languages, nullifying the previous agreement between members of the government agency and Swatch Group. It also recommended a renegotiation of the supply of assortments to third parties. Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches's new ruling has resulted in a 5 percent reduction of movement parts deliveries compared to 2010. This was before the Swatch-Girard-Perregaux Replica Watches deal. In 2014, it is expected that the deliveries will reach the 2010 level.

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